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- /*
- SetFileInfo.c
- SetFileInfo("Output File",'xxxx','yyyy');
- char *fileName; The name of the file (including HFS
- directory name) to be set.
- OStype 'xxxx' The four character file type, eg 'TEXT'
- OStype 'xxxx' The four character creator, eg 'XCEL','CGRF','QKPT','QED1'
- The syntax 'xxxx' results in four characters packed into a short int. This is
- a Macintosh convention, not Standard C. That's ok since this routine is strictly
- Macintosh anyway.
- ** create Cricket data file **
- myFile=fopen("LuminanceCalibration.data","w");
- SetFileInfo("LuminanceCalibration.data",'TEXT','CGRF');
- fprintf(myFile,"*\n");
- fprintf(myFile,"x\ty\n");
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)fprintf(myFile,"%9g\t%9g\n",x[i],y[i]);
- fclose(myFile);
- 12/87 EJC wrote q_make_crick()
- 8/89 dgp Renamed and rewritten.
- 8/24/91 dgp Made compatible with THINK C 5.0.
- 12/28/92 dgp Removed obsolete support for THINK C 4.
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include "VideoToolbox.h" /* for prototype of itself */
- //#include <Files.h>
- void SetFileInfo(char *fileName,OSType fileType,OSType fileCreator)
- {
- FInfo outFileInfo;
- c2pstr(fileName);
- GetFInfo((StringPtr)fileName,0,&outFileInfo);
- outFileInfo.fdType = fileType;
- outFileInfo.fdCreator = fileCreator;
- SetFInfo((StringPtr)fileName,0,&outFileInfo);
- p2cstr((void *)fileName);
- }
- /*
- Changing the ioDrMdDat field of your file's parent directory forces the
- Finder into updating its window. This is useful after you've changed a file's
- type, to get the Finder to immediately show the new icon.
- Craig Marciniak, TemplarDev@aol.com, published in March, 1995 issue of MacTech Magazine, p. 80.
- */
- #include <LowMem.h>
- #else
- extern pascal long LMGetTime(void)={0x2EB8, 0x020C}; /* MOVE.L $020C,(SP) */
- #endif
- void ForceFinderToUpdateFileIcon(FSSpecPtr file);
- void ForceFinderToUpdateFileIcon(FSSpecPtr file)
- {
- CInfoPBRec tempPB;
- if(file != 0L){
- tempPB.dirInfo.ioNamePtr=0L;
- tempPB.dirInfo.ioVRefNum=file->vRefNum;
- tempPB.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex=-1;
- tempPB.dirInfo.ioDrDirID=file->parID;
- if(PBGetCatInfoSync(&tempPB)==noErr){
- tempPB.dirInfo.ioDrMdDat=LMGetTime();
- tempPB.dirInfo.ioDrDirID=file->parID;
- PBSetCatInfoSync(&tempPB);
- }
- }
- }